Develop your Clinic Management System and Website

with MyCare123 High Quality Service

Get Started

Made by doctor for doctors
We designed our systems to fit exactly according to your daily practice needs.

Digitalize your Practice

Enhance practice image by using the latest technologies.

No need for paperwork . Save your office space.

Computerised printings for prescriptions, requests, referral..etc.

Time-saving templates for streamlined work processes.


Access your data from Anywhere & Any Device

Manage  multiple clinics  at once.

Patient  can visit you at any location.

Review & modify  records at the OR.

Control your Practice

Financial reports to monitor your revenue.

Reservation system to  book visits , operations and appointments.

Access level to different roles (Secretary, Assistant,..etc).


Data Privacy & Backups

SSL/TLS protocols  are used to secure data.

Restrictive rules are applied for data management.

Host your data on your own server option.

Daily Backups for database.



Match your Needs

Customizable software to fit for your specific demands.




Reach new Patients

SEO Optimization: Boost online visibility on search engines like Google.

Conversion Design: Turn visitors into new patients.

Our Products

Website & Online Reservation

Be visible online

  • Reach new customers.
  • Brand your qualifications & services .
  • Offer online reservation 24/7.
  • Present Clinic Services & info.

GYN & OBS clinic management system

Designed to target your speciality specs.


  • Patient summary to view most data at once.
  • Gynecology,Obstetrics & Infertility modules.
  • Menstrual ,obstetric & contraceptive history.
  • Pregnancies and EDD calendar.
  • Laparoscopy ,hysteroscopy,..etc. sheets.

Meet Our Clients

Prof. Khaled Abdelaziz

Gynecology & Obstetrics

Visit Website
Prof. Khaled Abdelmalek

Gynecology & Obstetrics

Visit Website

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